Visi Kami

Menjadi brand retail F&B terbaik dan terbesar kebanggaan Indonesia dengan standar produk, pelayanan dan kebersihan bertaraf internasional.

Misi Kami

  • Menyediakan produk terbaik dengan harga terjangkau.
  • Menciptakan customer experience yang terbaik dan berkelanjutan.
  • Membawa nama F&B Indonesia ke tingkat dunia internasional.
  • Menjadikan PPA sebagai perusahaan ideal dalam berkarir (great workplace).

Our Desired Corporate Culture

INTEGRITY : Bekerja dengan jujur, penuh tanggung jawab, menjunjung tinggi etika, standar moral yang kuat dan konsisten antara perkataan serta perbuatan.

AGILITY : Gesit, tangkas dalam berpikir, bertindak, cepat beradaptasi dalam menerima merespon segala bentuk perubahan atau peluang baru.

ACHIEVING : Selalu memiliki rencana dan tujuan yang berorientasi pada proses dan hasil dalam bekerja.

TEAMWORK : Bekerjasama, mengelola perbedaan pendapat dan berkolaborasi untuk mencapai tujuan tim dan organisasi.

Our Commitment :

This is a significant moment for us as we share the vision and mission that will guide our steps forward.

Our vision is to become the best and largest retail F&B brand that Indonesia can be proud of, with international standards of product quality, service, and cleanliness.

We are determined not only to provide superior products but also to deliver exceptional service and maintain unparalleled cleanliness. We want every customer experience with us to be a testament to our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

To achieve this vision, we have a clear and focused mission:

1.To provide the best products at affordable prices.

We believe that everyone deserves to enjoy high-quality products without paying a premium. Therefore, we are committed to always offering the best products at competitive prices.

2.To create the best and most sustainable customer experiences.

Customer experience is our top priority. We continuously innovate and strive to provide unforgettable and consistently impressive experiences for each of our customers.

3.To bring Indonesia’s F&B name to the international stage.

We are proud to be part of Indonesia’s F&B industry and we aspire to bring this good name to the international arena. We want the world to recognize and appreciate the quality and diversity of Indonesian F&B products.

4.To make PPA an ideal company for career development (great workplace).

We understand that the success of the company relies on the contributions of every employee. Therefore, we are determined to create a supportive, innovative, andmotivating work environment that allows each individual to grow and reach their full potential.

We believe that with this strong vision and mission, we can achieve our goals and bring positive changes to the F&B industry in Indonesia. Thank you for all your support, and let’s work together to make this dream a reality.

Thank you.


Anton Kurniawan

Lilyana Kusuma D.

Harris Kristanto

Key Management

Dwiwahyu Haryo S.

Chief Supply Chain Officer

Armala, MPS

Chief Operating Officer

Lusiana Wijaya

Chief Financial Officer

Arie Kusuma W

Retail Sales Business, Operations & Store Development Director

Khoirul Maarif

Head of Information Technology

Lie Wili Liuwanto

Head of Marketing, Insight, CX & Product Development

Daryl S Gumilar

Head of Legal & Litigation Management

Alberta Deliana

Head of Internal Audit & Enterprise Risk Management